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supply channel中文是什么意思

用"supply channel"造句"supply channel"怎么读"supply channel" in a sentence


  • 供片片道
  • 供水渠


  • Sales nets that spreading over more than 20 provinces nationwide provides convenie - nce , remarkable supply channel as well as after - sales service
  • Part 5 , discussing the benefits on enterprises and supply channels brought about by the implementation of vmi , and analyzing its prospect in china
  • The governments should innovate and develop discovery mechanism , expressing mechanism , selecting mechanism supplying channel and the cultivation mechanism of implementing the subject
  • Gas : there are two gas supply channels , that is , the second phase project of shanxi - gansu gas transportation which has outlet in the langfang city and gangqing gas multiple tracks , which has the capacity of supplying 450 million cu . m . gas in a year
    供气:园区有陕甘输气二期工程和港清燃气复线两条供气通道,年供气量达4 . 5亿立方米,可为企业提供充足的燃气保障。
  • Through the analysis and expatiation for the funds supply channel , applicable financing business variety , credit warranty qualification , and inner characters of the small and medium - sized enterprises , it is easy to find out that
  • Since 1988 , china has implemented the system of combining the supply of free contraceptives with retail sales in the market , thus widening the supply channels , providing conveniences to the people , satisfying their needs and raising the utilization rate of contraceptives
  • In market economy , swiet will success only by regarding the industry competitive power improvement as a chief mission , utilizing internal resource adequately , developing and utilizing external resource actively and reconstructing supply channel
  • The application of nineteen new technologies in such four aspects in the industry as enhancing the relationship between storage and network , the strategy of distribution , organizing and management and , performance evaluation , will improve the ability of feedback of the food distributors , balance the circulation of merchandise , shorten the turnover period and decrease the total cost of supply channels
  • Firstly this charter elaborates the relation between the enterprise development and resource accumulation , secondly explains the mechanism of imitation innovation how to incent resource accelerating accumulation , the importance of imitation innovation is also that it supplies channel of visible resource accelerating a
    ( 5 )模仿创新可以优化创新资源(尤其是稀缺资源)的配置,加快技术的扩散速度,形成一定的规模效益,促进产业结构的改变。 ( 6 )模仿创新能加快企业资源的积累。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"supply channel"造句  
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